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F1 Regional Finals at Seth Anandram Jaipuria School Lucknow

F1 Regional Finals at Seth Anandram Jaipuria School Lucknow

F1 in Schools is an international STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) competition for school children, in which groups of 3–6 students have to design and manufacture a miniature car out of the official F1 Model Block using CAD/CAM design tools.

The Regional Finals of this edition of F1 in Schools held at Seth AnandramJaipuria School, Lucknow saw a galaxy of talented students come together from schools across the state. The entire campus was vibrant and abuzz on the day.

The inauguration ceremony began with the lighting of the lamp followed by a prayer song performance given by the students of the school.

The participants put up a great show exhibiting their understanding and grip over the technicalities of a miniature F1 car in this highly competitive race. Competitors made some amazing models of cars and fought tooth and nail to win the contest while making last-minute adjustments.

From coming up with the best possible design for the minimum friction of the car to setting up their pit-booth in a manner to be set apart from others, the participants were all high on adrenaline as they competed to enter the next round of the competition.

The excitement, as well as the learning from this unique competition, gives students the chance to innovate and be ready for future challenges. From brainstorming to designing their cars to the learning of how to get brand associations and promoting themselves through marketing,  the participants got a hang of it all. It takes at least a year of preparations to compete.

The event came to a befitting end with the song from one of our student Vishwa of class Xin the closing ceremony. This was followed by the prize distribution. One of the teams from our school got selected for the national finals in the Category “Best Engineered Car”. The event concluded with the Vote of thanks given by the Principal, Ms. Poonam Kochitty, who appreciated the effort of all the teachers, students, staff and participant schools who contributed to the super success of the F1 in Schools Regional Finals.

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